Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Remember the Titans

This movie is about a newly appointed African American football coach over the highly successful white coach to coach the team where the school is not racially integrated. The idea of an African American coaching the team was not accepted even though he was equally as successful as the other coach.
Tensions arise when players of different races are forced together on the same football team. This film is based on a true story and takes place in the USA. Even though this film is based on a true story not all scenes are actually true but i still really like this film and have watched it a few times. Some of the characters are not real but are fictional.
The message that this film projects is a strong one and like "Do The Right Thing" acceptance and racism are themes in both films but that's all i think they have in common.
At the start the African Americans didn't want to play in the same team as the white guys and vice versa.
After a two week training camp which brought the guys together they returned to find that the community was in turmoil due to the forced desegregation of the high school. As the season progresses the team's success caused the community to accept the changes.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The shawshank redemption

What exactly "special effects" is??
Like... include what ?

I absolutely love this movie its so hilarious. Its about one of the characters Doug and he is going to get married so he takes his 2 friends Stu and phil and his soon to be brother in-law Alan who is the main reason why this movie is so good.
They have a big night out and cant find the groom Doug and latter find out that Alan gave them drugs on the night. They then find out the things that they got up to on the night and attempt to find Doug.
This is probably my favorite quotes of all time (im only saying this off the top of my head but still)
Alan: "You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine."
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Exam is over.. Isn't that cool?
Now you can relax and focus on your other exams coming up.. and also... *dun dun dun* your ASSIGNMENT 2!!!! yayy...
Does anyone want to say anything about the exam? Or how they feel they went?
I have a strong feeling in my guts that you all did a good job.. I'll start marking now =]
I've also uploaded your assignment 2 brief in the box on the right hand side of this blog.
Feel free to start writing it up early, I'll go through it on our last ever class on Tuesday.
Enjoy the rest of your week!!
Dr Dray
Paul Blart Mall Cop

I love this film it’s so funny. It’s about a man who man who works as a security guard in a shopping center. His name is Paul Blart. I’m pretty sure it’s called a segway throughout the film there pretty cool.
For years, he has applied to become a cop, but he always fails the physical exam because he is overweight. He gets bashed by a fat lady at some point........just though i should randomly put this in there.
On the busiest shopping day of the year and the mall is seized by a tightly organized crew of thieves, and customers are ordered outside, but Blart is playing free video games and doesn't notice.
He knows his way around the mall very well which is his advantage and his daughter and the girl he likes are one of the hostages so he is left to save the day.
I don’t think many reviewers like this movie but Roger Ebert gave it 3 stars.
If anyone has seen this, my favourite part is what he does when he is at the bar and gets drunk hahahahahaha
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The cove

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
PERSEPOLIS one of the movie which I watched in class, the story of the movie is about the life of girl Marjane who left Iran after SHA RAZA Communist government and new Islamic government in Iran, and saw all the sudden changes in front of her eyes. This changes happened during 1970s.
Their family were expecting the good change in new Government but they found it worst then before.
Marjane was sanded to france for study but reality was this that her parents were scared of sudden changes and wanted her to be safe and sound.
She grew up in France and when she came back she felt no change in her country it was the same as she left many many years before.
She was really confused about her own personality as a Iranian being in France. She got failed many times before falling in love but she found it at last.
I personally like this movie because I can really understand the satiation which the director shown about condition of iran because I have been asked the same question in airport (any play card? any drink? any porn). I have seen that government also very closely.
Any how that movie was quite interesting and i really enjoyed that.